Sunday, September 30, 2007

Professional Gamers

One thing that has always interested me is professional gamers. They get paid to play their passion, their hobby. They have my dream job. They compete for hundreds of thousands of dollars and prizes. In some places like Japan where 37% of the population are gamers, professional gaming is big business.

The CPL (Cyberathlete Professional League) is the world leader in professional gaming. Add it to a growing list of other such leagues, WCG (World Cyber Games), GGL (Global Gaming League) and you get a surprisingly assorted list of gamers. No longer is gaming left to the sweaty greasy haired losers in their mother's basement. Men, women and children of all ages are in on the trend now. I've met children as young as 5 playing and some people old enough to be my grand parents. All walks of life from the stay at home mom, to the podiatrist to the kid tasked to farm items and money in game for an allowance. I've even played with a lady who swore she was a nun!

Of course I have to add in how proud I am to be finding more women gaming now. It's not just husband and wife teams. It's women who game who are introducing their boyfriends and family to gaming. We are kicking butt and taking names! One such team is the Frag Dolls. Seriously guys and gals, check them out! Not only are they hot but they are HAWT! If it's a game they can play it, watch your backs boys!

To the haters out there talking about how this is just a new breed of couch potato, I challenge you to get out there and see how well you can do. Get good enough to win these competitions and then we'll talk. Until then, you are just jealous!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

WarHammer, where have you gone?

Mythic's newest most anticipated game is WarHammer. I've been watching this game grow since 2006. It won Best Fantasy at the 2007 GCLeipzig and WarCry's 2007's Most Anticipated. As a gamer who did her "teething" on Mythic's Dark Age of Camelot, I cannot wait for this game to hit the market. I will be first in line at midnight (thats if my hick town GameStop stays open that late) the day this baby comes out.

I'm seeing a disturbing resemblance to Dark Age of Camelot. There seems to be very little advertising on Mythic's part. I'm an avid gamer. You might find me on America's Army, World of WarCraft, Age of Titans or any other number of freebie low quality PC games. I loved DAoC and would probably still play it if the population were higher. Very few of the up and coming gaming generation have heard of Dark Age or WarHammer. You see spam for WarCraft all the time at places like IGN, GameSpy, Allakhazam. The more popular game websites have very little information at all about WarHammer.

Mythic, I love you, please don't fail on this game. I know people see the videos and think "WarCraft Rip Off", but I know it's not true. Only you could bring us Realm vs. Realm. Only you could bring meaning and true blood lust to Player vs. Player. The excitement, the adrenaline rush. The heated glorifying moment of battle when you know you just won the battle. The keep or castle is yours. Siege weapons and team effort, something those knuckle heads over at Blizzard and WarCraft haven't a clue about. It was so very gratifying to hear the crumble of keep and tower walls when we were playing offensive. It was amazing to look out and see sometimes hundreds of player characters working together. These other guys, they haven't a clue.

No, this isn't some lame charade to try to get a WarHammer beta invite. This is a real plea to the advertisers at Mythic. Please don't drop the ball on this one. This game has the makings to be the greatest MMORPG that PC gamers have ever seen. Plus, I want there to be a large enough population to support my killing sprees. I can't wait to explore the new world that is Warhammer. Now hurry up and send me that beta invite, darn it!